The One Chip Challenge

Should you do the One Chip Challenge?  Hell no! I did the One Chip Challenge from Paqui about a week ago and I will share my experience with you.  Without a doubt this is the hottest thing I have every attempted to eat.  If you have ANY issues with spice, don’t attempt this and think that milk or anything else […]

Office 365 Licensing Report (with On Premise Active Directory)

One thing that drives me insane is the thought of over paying for O365 licensing when it’s so easy to get right. In my opinion, the reason it gets out of whack is mostly poor communication on user status. Once we see where the hole is though, we can plug it. Since I run a hybrid environment with an On […]

Scheduling a Powershell Script

One thing I do a lot is schedule Powershell scripts to run.  By far the easiest way that I have found is to simply use the Task Scheduler in Windows to do this.  The key is that no matter where you set this to run from, make sure that the machine has all the modules installed that you need.  Lets […]

My Thoughts on Project+

A while ago I put out a post on why you need the Project+ certification, if you want to read it it’s here. I didn’t really take my studying too seriously at the time and ended up taking a lot longer to get the certification. I have since, finally, taken it and here are my thoughts. I maintain the same […]

Why You Need Project+

Recently, I began studying for the Comptia Project+ exam.  You might think for a second that since I am in IT this cert doesn’t make sense.  Well, it does and here is why… I have been in IT for 23 years at this point, and I have managed countless IT projects.  Those projects have been everything from a one man […]

PDQ Deploy is a MUST

Why is PDQ Deploy a must for your IT Department?  Simply put, it makes life so much easier. In short, PDQ is software that will perform actions on a remote machine.  Software can be installed, uninstalled, files copied, scripts run on remote machines etc., all from the comfort of your desk.  There are both FREE and Paid versions of this […]

My First Full Week on Linux

Recently I wrote a post about wanting to get my Linux+ certification.  If you haven’t read that, please do, you can find it here.  The way my brain works with technology, I have to jump in and start using it and that’s exactly what I did. I follow Chris Titus on youtube, frankly the man is a genius and give […]

Getting Started, Studying for Linux+

One of my yearly goals for my performance review is always a certification.  The catch is that rather than doing the same old path year after year I try to mix it up a little big.  Last year, for example, I went nuts and got a CISSP rather than a technician type of certification.  This year I am going to […]

Remotely Uninstall Software with Powershell

Like a lot of folks in IT there have been a lot of times where I have to uninstall something from a machine and don’t want to involve the user.  Sometimes the reason that the software has to come off is that the user shouldn’t have put it there in the first place too.  PSExec has always been an option […]

CISSP Exam Tips & Tricks

Well, to be honest there really aren’t any “tricks” to the CISSP exam, but I do have a couple tips to share to help with your studying.  Of course, everyone learns differently, here are a couple things that worked for me and might work for you. Study, Don’t Test: I found that if I took practice tests while I was […]