Farmhouse Style Bed (Full Sized)

Recently my wife and I decided that it was time to get rid of the flimsy bed frame we had bought years ago for a guest bed when we lived in our apartment and upgrade to something a little more robust.  The mattress was still good and I do so love to build things so we thought that it would be […]

DHCP At 100%, the fix and automating it for the future…

I ran across an issue this week where my DHCP server started throwing “warnings” that there were only 11 addresses left.  Looking at the Leases it was pretty obvious that that wasn’t true though.  So, how do you handle that?  I did some looking around and probably about 90% of what I could find out there was to reduce the […]

Powershell to Find Service Accounts

A while back I had a need to check all the servers in my domain and see what services were logged in with “special” accounts.  In other words, find any service that’s not running off of a default builtin account.  A script like this comes in very handy when it comes time to update the password on an AD account that […]