Office 365 Licensing Report (with On Premise Active Directory)

One thing that drives me insane is the thought of over paying for O365 licensing when it’s so easy to get right. In my opinion, the reason it gets out of whack is mostly poor communication on user status. Once we see where the hole is though, we can plug it. Since I run a hybrid environment with an On […]

My First Full Week on Linux

Recently I wrote a post about wanting to get my Linux+ certification.  If you haven’t read that, please do, you can find it here.  The way my brain works with technology, I have to jump in and start using it and that’s exactly what I did. I follow Chris Titus on youtube, frankly the man is a genius and give […]

An Easier GUI Method for Powershell

I wrote a post in the past, which you can see here, about creating a GUI for a Powershell script.  That info is still valid but the catch with that one is that you need Visual Studio, Community Edition is just fine for it.  Recently I changed out my laptop and found it to be a good opportunity to start […]

A Journey to CISSP

I thought it might be nice to share the path that I took to study for my CISSP.  CISSP is something that I have thought about getting for years but never really looked all that much into, just something in the back of my mind.  Once I really started to study for it, it was a serious amount of information […]

Using Powershell to create an HTML Email Report

I use Powershell a lot to do reporting on various things in my environment and one of the most useful is Active Directory. I went to a class once hosted by a company that makes an AD tool and the presenter actually asked in the class if anyone knew how to do a specific lookup with PS and of course […]

Remote Software Uninstall with Powershell

Lets say you are in a position where you need to uninstall something from a remote machine for whatever reason…maybe it’s software that’s no longer needed, maybe the user shouldn’t have installed it, or maybe you just want to mess with someone.  Me personally, I would rather do this remotely than go to the person’s machine and interrupt whatever they […]

Powershell to Find Service Accounts

A while back I had a need to check all the servers in my domain and see what services were logged in with “special” accounts.  In other words, find any service that’s not running off of a default builtin account.  A script like this comes in very handy when it comes time to update the password on an AD account that […]

Deleting Files with Powershell

Recently I had an issue in my environment on a reasonably old and very slow system, one of those machines that does something very specific and always works.  The problem is that I was going to replace the hard drive and I had to clean up a backup folder that it had.  On a very slow hard drive deleting some […]

Exchange Message Tracking…The “Old” Way

It’s been quite some time since I have had someone say that they didn’t receive a message in their email, so I haven’t had a reason to run email tracking in a long time. Email tracking in the old System Manager couldn’t have been easier, fill in the email address and time span and track. I do love simple. Then […]