Exchange Mobile Device Report as an HTML Email

That’s a nice descriptive title isn’t it, but that is exactly what we are going to accomplish here.  The end result that we are going for it is an HTML formatted email with a table that gives us a listing of all devices registered to Active Sync (device model and general device type), the account they are associated with, first […]

Exchange 2013/2016 – How to set an Out Of Office with Powershell

I can’t begin to count how many times I have been asked to set an Out Of Office message for someone over the years.  Standard reply has always seemed like a cop out to people I’m sure but generally it has kind of always come back to an HR thing and not accessing someone else’s email.  NO MORE!  While its […]

Office 365 – How to export a mailbox to a PST

Where I work, when someone leaves we run through an out-process where one of the steps is to backup the users emailbox to a .pst before removing it from the system.  Since storage is cheap its always nice to have a backup of your backups.  Performing a process like that is easy enough when its  a local exchange server, “export-mailbox”, […]

Exchange Message Tracking…The “Old” Way

It’s been quite some time since I have had someone say that they didn’t receive a message in their email, so I haven’t had a reason to run email tracking in a long time. Email tracking in the old System Manager couldn’t have been easier, fill in the email address and time span and track. I do love simple. Then […]