Synology Active Backup For Business…the best backup you aren’t using

Last year we had the notion to change our backup “software”, we had been using a backup appliance and it was more than a bit old so while our environment has grown the device hasn’t.  After a bit of looking around at the standard players, Barracuda, Veeam etc. someone mentioned Synology.  If you have never checked them our, do it, […]

Checking Time on Remote Servers

I had an issue recently where the time on the workstations was off by a few minutes.  The workstations all receive their time from the Domain Controller….but, which one?  Remember that if you are running your DC as a VM then its getting its time from the host.  That being said, this environment is Hyper-V so I am checking the […]

Test Ubuntu Webserver for Windows Admins

Not to long ago I took a class in HTML5, while the teacher encouraged everyone to just work off their own machine and just open the web pages they design with a browser. Being a bit of a nerd, I couldn’t bring myself to do it this way. To me I was making a web site so I wanted a […]