An Easier GUI Method for Powershell

I wrote a post in the past, which you can see here, about creating a GUI for a Powershell script.  That info is still valid but the catch with that one is that you need Visual Studio, Community Edition is just fine for it.  Recently I changed out my laptop and found it to be a good opportunity to start […]

Compile a PowerShell Script into an EXE

Ever want an easier way to run your scripts?  Or even better, an easier way to share them with others and maybe you don’t want them to mess with the code or even to see it?  The best way I have found for all of those situations is to compile my script into an EXE.  Doing so is not only […]

Create a GUI for a PowerShell Script

Create a GUI for a PowerShell Script If you are anything like me, you have found PowerShell one day and refuse to let anyone take it from you.  I am a big fan of re-usability and for me that is what PowerShell brings to the party, the ability to create a script for something and then use it again and […]